Technical Specifications for the C. B. Fisk, Opus 126

(The Perkins, Wells Memorial Organ) at St. Paul’s Church Greenville, NC

Grand Orgue, 61 notes, Manual I
Positif expressif, 61 notes, Manual II, enclosed
Pédale, 32 notes

Grand Orgue, 61 notes, Manual I
  1. Montre 16′ 61 pipes metal, open, in façade
  2. Montre 8′ 61 pipes metal, open
  3. Salicional 8′[prepared] 61 pipes metal, open
  4. Flûte conique 8′ 61 pipes metal, tapered
  5. Flûte harmonique 8′ 45 pipes* metal, open & harmonic
  6. Prestant 4′ 61 pipes metal, open
  7. Flûte ouverte 4′ 61 pipes metal, open
  8. Quinte 2 2/3′ 61 pipes metal, open
  9. Doublette 2′ 61 pipes metal, open
  10. Tierce 1 3/5′ (narrow scale) 54 pipes metal, open

Plein jeu harmonique II-VII

  1. 345 pipes metal, open

Plein jeu V-VII

  1. Bombarde 16′ 61 pipes metal, reed
  2. Trompette 8′ 61 pipes metal, reed
  3. Trommeten 8′ 61 pipes metal, reed
  4. Clairon 4′ 61 pipes metal, reed

* Bass from No. 4

Positif expressif, 61 notes, Manual II, enclosed
  1. Principal 8′ 61 pipes
  2. Cor de Nuit 8′ 61 pipes
  3. Prestant 4′ 61 pipes
  4. Flûte douce 4′ 61 pipes
  5. Nasard 2 2/3′ 61 pipes
  6. Doublette 2′ 61 pipes
  7. Tierce 1 3/5′ 54 pipes
  8. Plein Jeu IV 232 pipes
  9. Cromorne 8′ 61 pipes
  10. Tuba Mirabilis 8′ [prepared] 61 pipes

Récit expressif, 61 notes, Manual III, enclosed

  1. Bourdon 16′ 61 pipes
  2. Viole de gambe 8′ 61 pipes
  3. Voix céleste 8′ 61 pipes
  4. Flûte traversière 8′ 61 pipes
  5. Bourdon 8′ 61 pipes
  6. Flûte octaviante 4′ 61 pipes
  7. Octavin 2′ 61 pipes
  8. Plein Jeu IV 232 pipes
  9. Cornet III (G0 -d3) 96 pipes
  10. Basson 16′ 61 pipes
  11. Trompette 8′ 61 pipes
  12. Hautbois 8′ 61 pipes
  13. Clairon 4′ 61 pipes

metal, open
wood & metal, stopped
metal, open
metal, chimneys & open
metal, open
metal, open
metal, open
metal, open
metal, reed
metal, reed
wood & metal, stopped
metal, open
metal, open
metal, open & harmonic
wood & metal, stopped
metal, open & harmonic
metal, open & harmonic
metal, open
metal, open
metal, reed
metal, reed
metal, reed
metal, reed

Pédale, 32 notes
  1. Bourdon 32′ 12 pipes extension of No. 42
  2. Contrebasse 16′ 32 pipes wood, open
  3. Montre 16′ 32 notes from No. 1
  4. Bourdon 16′ 32 notes from No. 26
  5. Octave 8′ 32 pipes metal, open
  6. Salicional 8′ [prepared] 32 notes from No. 3
  7. Flûte conique 8′ 32 notes from No. 4
  8. Octave 4′ 32 pipes metal, open
  9. Contre Bombarde 32′ 12 pipes extension of No. 48
  10. Bombarde 16′ 32 notes alternates with No. 12
  11. Posaune 16′ 32 pipes metal, reed
  12. Trompette 8′ 32 notes alternates with No. 13
  13. Trommeten 8′ 32 notes alternates with No. 14
  14. Clairon 4′ 32 notes alternates with No. 15

Alternating stops have two stop knobs, one in the Grand Orgue and one in the Pédale. The stop may be used in one division or the other, but not simultaneously unless the Grand Orgue to Pédale coupler is drawn.


Positif expressif to Grand Orgue
Récit expressif to Grand Orgue
Récit expressif to Positif expressif
Octaves graves
Grand Orgue to Pédale
Positif expressif to Pédale
Récit expressif to Pédale
Récit expressif to Pédale 4’
Tremulant Grand Orgue and Positif expressif
Tremulant Récit expressif

  • Vent flexible
    Cymbelstern [knob preparation]
  • Balanced Positif expressif and Récit expressif Pedals
    Key Action: Direct mechanical (tracker), except for the largest pipes of the organ, which are to be electrically controlled.
  • Kowalyshyn Servopneumatic Lever: This provides a pneumatic assist (similar to a Barker Machine, but more refined) to the Grand Orgue key action. It also allows the addition of the “Octaves graves” coupler to the organ. This coupler couples the servopneumatic lever to itself one octave lower. Therefore it couples the Grand Orgue to itself at sub-octaves and any division coupled to the Grand Orgue also appears on the Grand Orgue at sub-octaves.
  • Stop Action: Solenoids, electronically controlled.
  • Combination Action: A modern solid state action with multiple levels of memory. Numerous pistons, toe studs, and reversibles suitable to an organ of this size.
  • Casework: A single cabinet of wood, designed to harmonize with and adorn the church interior.
  • Keydesk: Attached to case, three manuals and pedal; manuals 61 keys CC -c4, naturals of bone, sharps of ebony; flat pedalboard 32 keys CC -g1.
  • Front Pipes: Front pipes to be of polished hammered lead or hammered spotted metal.