ECU Piano Academy

About the Program

The ECU Piano Academy delivers high-quality, affordable piano instruction to pre-collegiate students and interested adults in the Greenville community.  Our piano academy offers students a structured learning experience that nurtures well-rounded musicianship. Through dedicated piano study, we work to build a strong musical foundation, empowering students to become independent musicians capable of lifelong learning and engagement with music.

The ECU Piano Academy nurtures the musical potential in each individual while enhancing the teaching expertise of academy piano faculty through hands-on, supervised experiences.

Our program serves as a model of excellence in piano education, fostering creativity, comprehensive musical skills, and engaging with the Greenville community in meaningful experiences, while creating a supportive learning environment guided by experienced University instructors.


ECU Piano Academy Handbook

Please refer to the ECU Piano Academy Parent/Student Handbook for detailed policies on tuition, lesson schedules, performance expectations, and more.

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