Treasured Tunes featuring Catherine Garner

Q&A with Catherine Garner

Dr. Catherine Garner is a music professor on the faculty at ECU. She is a concert choir accompanist, collaborative pianist, and director of the Women’s Initiative Music Series “Music on a WIM.” Garner, originally from Tallahassee, Florida, received her Doctorate in Collaborative Arts and Chamber Music from the Eastman School of Music, her Master of Music degree from Florida State University, and her Bachelor of Music degree from Louisiana State University.

What musicians inspire you?

At the moment, I am really into women’s music. I enjoy finding new music-music that is not performed very often. I am passionate about finding music by women who were able to get their music published regardless of gender issues.

How did you become passionate about music?

Both of my parents are musicians, and when I was young I had to take piano and another instrument. I took violin. I have an older sister as well, and she took piano and oboe. When we were 18, our parents gave us the choice of doing whatever we wanted to do with our lives. My sister chose science and I chose music. I felt that I had a gift and I wanted to continue pursuing that gift.

What do you enjoy about teaching music?

I enjoy seeing students progress and seeing them discover new things about music. I really enjoy seeing music through their eyes. I enjoy watching their progression from a freshman or from a first year master’s to an older student who has more knowledge of music. I enjoy watching them grow as musicians.

If we were to look at your iPod or ride with you in your car, what music would we hear?

It’s interesting because when I was growing up, I was always surrounded by classical music. And of course, I didn’t want to listen to that, so I listened to whatever was popular at the time. Now, I feel like my musical tastes have changed a bit. I do enjoy listening to classical music. However, I do have lots of different music on my iPod; my music is very broad. I have some pop music, and I really like listening to dance music and mixes. I enjoy hearing what people have created.

Any music/songs people might be surprised about when they learn you listen to them?

Brittany Spears and Justin Timberlake. I also like old-school rap music, like Fresh Prince and Beastie Boys. I am not really into the rap music of today, though.

This has been a production of East Carolina University. To hear more, please visit theĀ Treasured Tunes index.