Summer Camps & Workshops

The summer months in the School of Music are full of week-long camps, multiple-day workshops, seminars, and other special events for all ages. Check out our summer programs below. We look forward to seeing you here this summer!

Summer Band and Orchestra Camp

June 15 through 20, 2025. Online registration opens on Monday, February 3, 2025 at 12:00 PM EST!

East Carolina Piano Festival

June 22-30, 2024. Open to pre-college (grade 6-12) and undergraduate college students. East Carolina Piano Festival brings together internationally acclaimed artists and talented young pianists for a week of exciting concerts, masterclasses and exploration of art of piano performance from varied and wide-ranging perspectives. Young Artist Program participants will work closely with ECU piano faculty and guest artists in an intensive yet encouraging and supportive atmosphere.

Summer Choral Workshop

June 29 & June 30, 2023. The ECU Summer Choral Workshop is a side-by-side event, where high school students are invited to sing alongside members of the ECU Chamber Singers or a variety of choral rehearsals and sectionals. It is designed for students who love singing in chorus and love singing in general.

Guitar Festival and Workshop

July 11-14, 2024. This workshop is open to students of all skill levels who wish to acquire or improve skills on the classical guitar. Students will have the opportunity to learn from an internationally-known faculty as well as hear them perform in public recital.